Need help with school supplies?
School is an exciting time for kids; the smell of new notebooks and freshly sharpened pencils, the anticipation of new friends and all that the kids will learn. It’s an exhilarating time for students and parents. However, it can also be a very anxious and stressful time for some families. It means a long list of supplies to get for their children and figuring out how to afford it all. Reality is not all families can afford the back to school necessities.
You would think with technology, the supply lists would have become shorter and easier. But no, they have become longer and more expensive. On top of the basic supplies of pens, pencils, markers, paper and binders; there are other items a student must purchase pertaining to their course load and curriculum.
To receive help through our School Supply Program all you have to do is register. Registration starts mid-July and goes until the end of August (based on when first day of school is). In addition to personal information (name, address, phone number) registrants will need to provide child’s name, care card number, grade and school attending. Langley & Aldergrove residents can register in person or over the phone.
To register a child to receive a school supplies kit you must:
– Be the parent or guardian of child
– Supply two peices of ID (for adult)
You can register by calling 604.514.7375 or in person, Gateway of Hope – 5787 Langley Bypass, or by email at
How do we help?
We assist students (grades K-12) with the basic school supplies they will need to succeed in school. We do the pens, paper, markers, binders, rulers, and scissors, just to name a few to ease the hardship of the cost of supplies.
We ask that you help us by donating some or a variety of these items. This is a fun and engaging way to get your kids, service group, or other peers involved in giving back!
Providing these supplies frees up parent’s funds to be able to purchase the specialized items the kids need for class. Registration is open to students in SD35.
How can we do this?
We partner with local businesses, community churches and the community to collect financial donations and donations of new school supplies.
Last year our total donations allowed us to help 700 kids in the Langley/Aldergrove area. This year we will help over 900. The need is greater than ever.
Do you want to help give a child a head start for school?
You can donate money or new school supplies to the Gateway of Hope. Please see the downloadable list below of supplies that we collect.